Andrew David Zeus is a 29-year-old health centre receptionist who enjoys escapology, vandalising bus stops and hockey. He is inspiring and exciting, but can also be very unkind and a bit dull.

He is Argentinian who defines himself as gay. He has a degree in medicine. He has a severe phobia of clowns

Physically, Andrew is in pretty good shape. He is tall with brown skin, brown hair and green eyes.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. His parents separated when he was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home.

He is currently in a relationship with Travis Ed Chen. Travis is 16 years older than him and works as a burglar.

Andrew’s best friend is a health centre receptionist called Kelvin Richardson. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with Kendra Roberts and Alessandro Evans. They enjoy attending gallaries together.